How to Become an Ebay Affiliate

There are six simple steps on becoming an ebay affiliate:

      1. Go to: <a target=”_self” href=””></a><img style=”text-decoration:none;border:0;padding:0;margin:0;” src=”[CACHEBUSTER]”>Click Here

Becoming an affiliate on eBay.   Let’s suppose you want to buy a new car. You search the internet for reviews on that special car you’re looking for. You’ve made your decision after reading the reviews.  You then click on one of the links and find the car and price you like.  The link that you clicked on is the perfect example of affiliate marketing. You earn a commission by selling someone else’s product.

To be able to earn commission on eBay, you go to eBay

  • find a page that you’d like to share
  • use one of the tools and create a link to that page
  • share the link to your audience
  • when someone clicks on the link and makes a purchase, you earn a commission.

You are able to get access to the world largest global market place through eBay Partner Networks (EPN).  You earn commissions ranging from 50% to 70% of eBay’s profit.

Smart Share from eBay

You could easily earn commission as you browse eBay.  Add the extension to your chrome toolbar to create personalized links.  In one click copy your link, or share directly to Facebook.  Or share the link on Pinecrest, if you prefer.

Create a link with Smart Share

  1. Install the extension from the chrome store and upload your campaigns
  2. As you visit any page on eBay, click the smart share button on your Chrome toolbar.
  3. Select the campaign you want the promotion to be tracked to.
  4. Share your link directly to Facebook or Pinterest or copy it to paste to wherever you wish.

Create a Promotable Link

You can create links with copy and paste.

1. Find something on    2.  Copy the URL address     3.  Click “Create” to       4.  Copy and  promote this link                     eBay you want to            and paste it below              make a link                         to your  audience                                  promote                                                                             specifically for you


Create Links while Browsing eBay

Using mobile-enhanced Smart links can Automatically optimize your web page

By adding smart links to your web page only once all of your past, present, and future e-bay links will be converted into monetized links, complete with your tracking ID, and new compelling mobile ads to capture more mobile conversions.







How to Build a Free Professional Website -You can Through Wealthy Affiliates

There are hundreds of ads for free websites out there. The disappointing thing is once you click on that link, you realize that they are mostly scams.  Most signs says “free” but then you receive limited service and very little help.  By the time you add hosting and other things necessary for a successful website, you end up spending hundreds of dollars or more a month and it doesn’t even included training.

Wealthy Affiliates (WA)  to the rescue. You receive a seven day free trial which gives you more than enough time to see if the program is right for you.  You receive two free websites with hosting, embed media and training included. 24/7 answers to your questions. All this and more free.  Making it zero risk and zero obligation with the free starter membership.  If you wish to upgrade to Premium after the 7 day trial period, you receive a discount of $19 for the first month.  Then a $49 monthly fee. There are people who have gone for some years on the Starter Program.

You receive 50 free websites and over three thousand themes with the Premium membership. Websites are monitored 24/7 top of the line security.  WordPress Hosting, ranking with Google, tech support, training and more are included.  You also receive  an online entrepreneur certification (50 lessons)  Check other online businesess to see how they compare.

Jaaxy – an online keyword finder tool which would reduce your keyword research efforts to a miniscule amount of time.
You have access to an enormous amount of key words at your fingertips with the use of Jaaxy, synonym for Keyword, Niche and website research.  This is a great tool which allows you to find out where your website is ranking in search engines such as  Google, Yahoo and Bing.  Within Jaaxy you have access to a brainstorm feature that allows you to dissect the hottest trend. Each search within Jaaxy reveals which domains are available for any given keyword.

The Tools Necessary to Have a Sucessful Website

You need to decide what type of audiance you want to attract. Men, Women, kids, teens.  Professionals or Sports enthusiast.  Once you’ve decided on your niche, (What’s a niche?  You ask.)  A niche is something you feel passionate about.

For example, you’re interested in diet. Writing a blog on diet is too broad. Are you interested in weight loss, weight gain, diet for lowering blood pressure?  You pick one topic do your research and expand.  If your topic is too broad you give your readers too much information all at once and you lose them. You lose customers, you lose traffic.

To be successful you need to choose something that excites you the most. Take a look at the following:

  1. You will be writing content within your niche.
  2. You will be communicating within your niche.
  3. You will be choosing products to promote within your niche.
  4. You will be able to help people within your niche.
  5. Your first niche most likely won’t be your last (don’t worry about it being perfect)
  6. Any single niche website can become a “full time” income/business.

You could change your niche later if you want to.

My Honest Wealthy Affiliate Review – A Guide to Success in Affiliate Marketing

You will receive an honest in-depth review of Wealthy Affiliate, (WA). You will see the full picture of what the platform can do for your business, whether you are a newbie or experienced in internet marketing. Before getting into the details of my review, I’d like to give you a bit of an insight into some of my experiences before joining WA

Not long ago, I joined Wealthy Affiliate   I have been searching for years for this type of program. A place where you could receive all the help you need; where a live person responds to your questions. And everything necessary to acquire a successful business is at your fingertips.

Previously, all I met were scammers.  You have to pay extra for each item you need. They tell you the website is free but they don’t say you have to pay extra for hosting or the other things you must have for a successful website.  One individual simply hung up when I told him that I did not have a credit card. WA lets you know what is needed and what to expect from the get-go.

This site is very different from the average affiliate marketing website. WA is exceptional.  I’ve been looking for an affiliate marketing business for years.   I was so frustrated that I almost gave up.  Actually, I’d given up several times and would decide to try again. I’m grateful that I did not give up.

Just before I discovered WA, I received several texts from Amazon stating that they were looking for Customer Service individuals paying $25.00 – $42.00 an hour.  I immediately went to the website to get my hands on this great opportunity.  To my dismay, I found that it was just another scam.  A few days later, I was surfing the net curious to see if I could find something worthwhile.

I came upon an ad talking about an affiliate program that was free. Initially, I was very skeptical.  Yes, I scoffed.  I’d seen lots of these ads. They rope you into thinking that it’s free and as your interest is piqued; they tell you that just by paying a certain amount you would be on the road to becoming a millionaire and so on and so on. Then, abscond with your hard earned money.

Anyway, I kept on reading.  And became more intrigued.  Please click on this link for a detailed description of the program. I was quite impressed yet still a bit skeptical.  The following are the ratings for the company:

Don’t take my word for it. See for yourself.  Join for free… If it’s worth your while continue.  If not, you are free to leave.  You have nothing to lose.


Wealthy Affiliates – The Overview and Rankings

Name: Wealthy Affiliates

Owners: Kyle & Carson

Website URL:

Training: 4.8 out of 5.0

Support: 5.0 out of 5.0

Website Builder: 4.9 out of 5.0

WordPress Hosting: 4.8 out of 5.0

Research Tools: 4.6 out of 5.0

Success Stories: 4.5 out of 5.0

Price: Starter Member (Free) Premium Membership ($49/mo or $359/yr) Rating: 4.8 out of 5.0

Wealthy Affiliate Support

The support I received was great.  You receive a welcome letter as soon as you join.  Not an automatic response but from a live person.  Kyle, who is one of the owners of the company, ( Kyle and Carson are the owners),  lets you know that he’s available and leaves his contact information.  A few days later he checks back to see how you’re doing.  Actually,  they both welcome you to the company.

The members also welcome you and offer their assistance.  Assistance is available 24/7. Everything is available for the fee you see above.  I have not seen this type of training or assistance with any other affiliate marketing business.

You receive two free websites with the Starter Membership which is free. If you wish to go Premium, (you don’t have to if you don’t want to). you will receive a discount for the first month $19/1st mo. after which is $49/mo. If you do decide to go Premium you would receive 50 free websites and all the training and help you need to build successful sites. Just click on this link and you would receive all the information you need to satisfy your curiosity.

WA is the most cost-efficient, offering a Premium membership less than $1 per day by going yearly   (offered when you become a monthly member).

How to Become a Wealthy Affiliate Member

By clicking on the following link you would receive all the information you need to become a member.

You would receive information about the program and how it works.

The monthly fee includes websites, hosting, google rankings, search engines plus over two thousand themes to choose from if you decided to go Premium.  If not approximately twelve.  These are just a few of the benefits.  Not to mention the live training and 24/7 help you receive.

Finding Your Niche

The pathway towards a successful business is focusing on the one thing you’re passionate about. Now, without passion, there’s no interest.  And of course, a boring post gets no traffic.  No one wants to read your material, therefore, no one clicks on your links and no sales.  Get the picture?

Also, you are knowledgable about the things you are passionate about and even when you’re doing the research you are so excited that the excitement shows in your post.

Your niche is the one thing out of a broad spectrum that you need to focus on. For example, your website is on health, A very broad topic.  What part of health do you want to focus on, diet, exercise, vitamins?  Picking all three would not be very helpful.  You would be spreading yourself too thin.

A discussion on health is too broad a topic and would be too much information for the reader to take in.  It would be too confusing and you would lose your audience.  Picking one specific topic such as vitamins for example, and do a detailed research, would give the reader a more specialized perspective.  The niche is one of the most important part of your site and should be given top priority in picking your subject for discussion.

The PROS and CONS of Wealthy Affiliates


  • Excellent training
  • Live weekly training
  • members help 24/7
  • Monthly fee all inclusive
  • Allowed to go at your own pace
  • Research Tools


  • Information could be overwhelming

Please leave your comments and feedback on this article.  Would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

About Cherryl

A picture of how Affiliate Marketing works. What you should look for before deciding if the company is right for you.


I tried making money on line for years. I wasted a lot of time not to mention thousands of dollars, only to be disappointed. Unanswered questions brought frustration, anger and depression. Thinking of throwing in the towel at one point. No response to email or phone calls. I’m sure most of us are familiar with this scenario.

Before going into any business, everyone knows you must do your research. Reviews cannot always be trusted. Don’t be caught in the web of catchy Ads. Like “make $10,000 a week”. No information on how you’re able to make such a substantial amount in one week. Two thousand dollars to have a coach. There’s an upgrade for each segment, etc.

One day while surfing the net, I came upon an ad discussing an online marketing company that you could start for free. Skeptical as usual, I decided to dig deeper. I became very interested in what I saw and decided to give it a try. And I’m certainly glad that I did.

Wealthy Affiliate is the answer. The weekly training is excellent. Everyone is helpful. Ask a question you immediately receive an answer. Help is available 24/7

A Share something about your life that it could be interesting and relevant to your niche here. (several paragraphs)

Why I want To Help You

If I could save just one person from going through the hassle that I did, I would be happy. Of course, I want to help as many as I could.

Wealthy Affiliate not only gives you a start in this business. They help you along with step by step training. They mentor you. You receive all the help and encouragement from the members of the community. Help is readily available 24/7. This is an international company where someone is on the board no matter what time you choose to be on.

I want you to understand and be successful in this process as I have. I have learned much more in the time that I have been with Wealthy Affiliate than any other program that I’ve had before. I’ve received help and great advice from people in the community.

Let’s be clear this is not a get rich quick scheme. It takes work and perseverance.  There are times when you may ask yourself is it worth it?  Yes, definitely.  If you have difficulties, do not despair.  Keep at it.  You would have no regrets and you would be pleased with the fruits of your labor.

Why do you want to help people in your respective niche? (few paragraphs)


I’d like to help you become successful in Affiliate Marketing.  Learn what it takes to be a success in this business.

We will show you how to provide high traffic  on the internet to a vast range of customers.  Our main goal is to bring in revenue by attracting  companies to pay whenever visitors click on their advertisement and purchase a product, the owner of the site would receive a commission.  Affiliate Marketers could set goals to balance the type of payments they receive and the dates they are paid by different clients to maintain a steady and growing income.  What it the purpose, goal of your website. (few paragraphs)

If you have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you.

All the best,

Cherryl Darling

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